Real estate investment advice

Are you frustrated that you’re not being presented with the opportunity to invest in rental properties by your bank advisor?


Advice on unlisted shares

Are you frustrated that you’re not being presented with the opportunity to invest in private equity by your bank advisor?



Are you frustrated by the reports in the press about insurance coverage shortfalls?

About me

I have worked in pension and wealth management consulting for more than 40 years.

The first 10 years as head of department in Baltica, which became TRYG, and most recently in PFA Pension. The last 30 years as owner/director of the insurance brokerage company RISK Int. insurance broker specializing in company pensions and alternative investment options, including advising cooperating brokerage companies.

For the past 9 years, my focus has been on the investment opportunities that neither banks nor pension companies advise on. Not out of malice, but because they don’t have a concession or have politically opted out of these options. The latter probably because they don’t see a profitable business in consulting in this area.
Nevertheless, this advice allows you to create value-rich investments regardless of the economic climate, which is a stabilizing asset to have in your portfolio, whether it’s holding companies or pension funds.

Jan Olsen, CEO Risk


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